My name is Juliette Wileman (0875), and this is my A2 Media Studies Coursework blog. I am working in Group 3 along with Audrey King Lassman (0397), Brandon Poonwasie (0660), and Chrystal Li (0470).
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Album Art Digipack

Album Art Digipack

Music Video

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Evaluation - 3) Are You Pleased With The Footage And Your Edit? Is It How You Expected It To Look?

I am pleased with the footage - we were able to successfully replicate most of the shots, and compromised where it wasn't possible for us to completely replicate the original video (for example having a bike instead of a car). I also think everyone looks good, and all performed their parts well - having Tasha on set to coach the actors really enhanced the performances. For example, the girl band all replicated the original video well, and their costumes suited them. The lighting for the shot was also almost exact to the original, although slightly darker, so I had to lighten most of the shots when editing.

I am also pleased with my edit, as I think I graded it reasonably well and I also think I chose shots that were fitting with the original video - although some shots were not the same as the original so obviously I had to compromise. However, overall I am pleased with my edit and how the footage turned out. For example, I am pleased with how I colour corrected the yellow pool scenes, as our lead, Kayvon, was too orange compared to the background. However, I did have to compromise when colour correcting, as to make Kayvon less orange I had to increase the blue in the shot, causing the background to become more green. I had to find a balance between the two to get the best look possible.

However, I think that having the original video in the bottom right corner was inconvenient, as it hides a large amount of action, such as Abi and Vivian in the car set up.

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