My name is Juliette Wileman (0875), and this is my A2 Media Studies Coursework blog. I am working in Group 3 along with Audrey King Lassman (0397), Brandon Poonwasie (0660), and Chrystal Li (0470).
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Album Art Digipack

Album Art Digipack

Music Video

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Shoot - 18th November

During this shoot, we filmed the two dances in every era - we had to make sure that the camera didn't move, and that Jacob and I started on the same mark for every shot. This was so that we could cut between eras during the dance sequences in our video.
We started with the 90s, as we had to reshoot the narrative scene

Brandon, Audrey and Chrystal set up the camera for the dance sequences whilst Jacob and I practised the dance routines and made sure our make-up was good enough for on camera.

We performed both dance routines in each era, using the same marks for both routines, as this was much simpler for us - we only had to switch sides for the two dances, rather than move to a completely different mark. This also meant that the camera was not moved, maintaining the framing continuity that was vital for the editing that we planned to do.

We moved from 90s to 80s, as this was the most convenient set and costume change. We made sure to perform the dances in exactly the same was as the 90s.
We then moved to the 70s, and again performed the dance as similarly as possible to the previous eras, so as to maintain the continuity for editing.

We then moved onto the 50s era, and performed both dances once again.

We moved to the modern era last, as we also had to film the narrative scene. At the end of the second dance, we made sure to also walk off in the same way, again for continuity whilst editing. We had our arms around each other so as to appear as a couple to convey the theme of our video.

We then filmed the narrative scene for the modern era, once we were completely sure we had shot both of the dances to a standard that we all wanted - we could only move the camera once we were sure of this.

For this narrative scene, we once again shot a number of framing types so as to make the video more visually interesting, and to make sure we had clear shots of Jacob lip syncing and the props. We also changed Jacob's costume, so that the modern costume was different from his band costume, as we felt this would make it easier for the audience to differentiate from the different set ups.

We used mobile phones as props, as they are a common item in our current era and clearly convey the era. We also chose to have the background blue as this colour is associated with technology, much like our era.

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