My name is Juliette Wileman (0875), and this is my A2 Media Studies Coursework blog. I am working in Group 3 along with Audrey King Lassman (0397), Brandon Poonwasie (0660), and Chrystal Li (0470).
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Album Art Digipack

Album Art Digipack

Music Video

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Reflection On Shots

Describe your shot and identify in what way it could be described as representing your chosen genre. 
This shot is an extreme close up (ECU) of her eyes, which are narrowed. She is directly addressing the audience. The eyes are the main focus of the shot.
This represents the action genre as it is replicating stereotypical fight scenes, where the camera focuses on the characters' eyes as they narrow and have a Mexican stand-off with another character.

What did you actually do to achieve the effect?
To achieve this affect we had the actress narrow her eyes and directly address the camera, so as to give the effect that she is staring someone down. The slight frown also portrays her emotion; determination and fearless. We then had the camera extremely close to her face so as to make sure our framing was as close as possible, to achieve the ECU.

Identify what is successful about your shot.
The framing (and ECU) is correct as only the top half of the actresses face is visible. Also, the way the actresses emotions are portrayed clearly, even though only a small part of her face is visible. The natural lighting helps to give a sense of setting, even though you can't see any background in this shot. The lighting implies that it is outside, where a stand-off would most likely take place.

What would you do differently in hindsight?
In hindsight, I would improve the focusing of the shot, so the eyes are more clear and sharp. I would also get the actress to narrow their eyes a little more, and frown a little more, so as to appear more intimidating and menacing. I would also make sure the actress is more centralised in the frame.

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