For our publicity shots, we decided that we wanted a more playful feel to our shots, as we thought this fit the mage of the band well, and would also be easier to pull off and more fun to do. We also decided that we would use one of the shots for the inside of the album, and that we would also have a promo shoot for the album, a promo shoot for the music video, and behind the scenes shots.
Ideas that we particularly liked included the band wrapping the lead singer up in the microphone wire (my idea), the band dressing the lead singer up in era clothing (Audrey's idea), the band giving each other piggy-backs (Brandon's idea), the lead singer in the foreground trying to be serious whilst the band messes around in the background (Chrystal and Audrey's idea) and the band 'taking a selfie' (my idea).
In this meeting, we also started to discuss the actual timeline of the video, and we have decided on the basic structure of our video (such as which era is at which point in the song and so on), and we agreed to work on detail in our next meeting.
The set-ups we want for our publicity shots are:
- behind-the-scenes of the music video shoot
- the 'couple' from the video to promote the video
- the band together to promote the album and the band as a whole
We drew inspiration from publicity shots of bands such as:
5 Seconds Of Summer
We liked the playfulness of the shots, and how the band were messing around - this connotes the genre of the band (pop rock). We thought that emulating this light-heartedness would firstly give the band an image of being fun and innocent, but would also connote the indie (and indie pop) genre of our band and single.

Everything Everything
We were also influenced by this band, as it is a similar genre to our own band. We liked the style of the shot, as it had different levels, making it more interesting. The outfits connote the indie genre, along with the pose - only the lead directly addressing the audience. Whilst we wanted something slightly more playful than this shot, we were inspired by this shot.
Little Dragon
We also drew inspiration from this promotional shot for this band, due to the bright colours and interesting pose. We thought that the bright colours connoted the upbeat style of music produced by the band, and we felt that emulating this would effectively connote the indie/indie pop genre of our band. We also liked the different levels again, and we want to take publicity shots like this one for our band.
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