My name is Juliette Wileman (0875), and this is my A2 Media Studies Coursework blog. I am working in Group 3 along with Audrey King Lassman (0397), Brandon Poonwasie (0660), and Chrystal Li (0470).
To navigate around my blog, use the labels on the left side, below the Labels heading.
Thank you!


Album Art Digipack

Album Art Digipack

Music Video

Monday, 13 October 2014


Once we had broken down the lyrics and worked out a structure for our video, we began to plan shots that we wanted for our video. Initially we did this by set up, and used different colours for different eras, such as yellow for modern and pink for 50s. This meant we could work out what we needed to do for each era set-up and the band set-up, and it also meant that we made sure to include the right inter-textual reference for each era, for example, having the right props.

We then put the storyboard in chronological order so as to find and resolve any gaps that we may have left, and also so we could start our animatic.

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